The Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria is sponsoring a conference on the topic of "Integrated Methodological Approaches to the Study of Lithic Technology" in December 2007. The keynote speakers include Eric Boëda, Eudald Carbonell, Jacques Jaubert and Steven Kuhn, all of whom have made significant contributions to the fields of lithic analysis and to Paleolithic archaeology. More information on what promises to be a very stimulating and exciting meeting can be found here, and is also available in English and in French.
Hi Julien - welcome back to the blogosphere...just wanted to ask if it's ok to co-opt this article for Four Stone Hearth which I'm hosting this Wed 11th - hope you're well, Tim
Hi Tim, sure... co-opt away! Check back soon for some more thoughts, anthropological and otherwise.
Thanks a lot Julien, talk soon.
Julien, please drop me a line. I want you to host a carnival.
Salut vieux frère!
Un petit salut de la lointaine alberta. Il paraît que tu rentres bientôt au bercail!! Bravo!
J'espère qu'on se recroisera un de ces quatres, autour d'une bonne cervoise! Hasta pronto Amigo!
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