Hey there, le blog est mort, vive le blog! I’m back.
Quite a few things have happened since I last posted here… bought a house, had
another kid, graduated a couple of solid MA students, sold the house, got a new
job with a fancy new title (Associate Professor – boom!), moved back to my
hometown of Montréal for said new job. I’ve now been at the Université de Montréal
for over a year, have some fantastic new grad (and undergrad) students, am involved in a bunch
of new projects, so I figured blog content could get a shot in the arm as a
result… there’s also a host of new debates going on about in paleo circles and
academia in general to which I think I have something to contribute, so here I
go again…
The Newport Tower: Not a 12th-Century Baptistery
2 weeks ago
Welcome back to the blogosphere, Julien. :)
Thanks Maju, glad to be back!
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